Friday 12 September 2014


Another College undergraduate from the Philippines is making millions using the power of Internet! Watch his video here.

Eduard Reformina, a dad from Quezon City, made P5,243,965 in just 13 months using a simple money-making system working from home.

Who Is Eduard Reformina?

"I'm a husband to a loving wife and a Father to a wonderful daughter. My Hobbies are Playing Bass Guitar and I love listening to Jazz Fusion kind of thing, I spend a lot of time Reading Books, Learning from great Guru's specially from authors and Guru's like Robert Kiyosaki, Dale Carnegie, Mike Dillard, Mark Hoverson, Jonathan Budd, Ann Sieg, Frank Kern, Joe Vitale, and many others. I learn a whole bunch from these amazing people. I also love to spend time to do my other hobbies like Composing Music and playing with a band."

How Did You Get Started In The Internet Business?

"A couple of years ago, I went abroad to be an OFW. I've been away from my home for 5 years as a Professional Musicians playing in hotels in the Middle East. When I got back to The Philippines, A friend of mine recommended a book by an author named Robert Kiyosaki. The book is called "Rich Dad Poor Dad". After reading that brilliant book, a big shift of course happened to my life and it transform me to who I am today. A guy with a very entrepreneurial spirit and has a hunger for learning more in developing my self.

When I was just starting with my Network Marketing Business, I struggle so hard. I face so many rejections, wasted a lot of efforts, wasted a lot of time and money. I can't figure out why I was failing even I did everything I was told to do. Everyone is telling me to do Traditional way of Network Marketing like Prospect Listing, Inviting my "KKK" (Kaibigan, Kamag Anak, Kakilala), Home Presentation, One on One Table Talk, Handing Out Flyers in Streets and Malls, Approaching Strangers (Pusakalan) and so much more. It was tiring and time consuming."

What Is Your Solution?

"After failing so hard, I started to look for answers on the INTERNET. I started Educating my self BIG time. Read lot's of books, digested so many training, and most importantly, met many Coaches and Mentors. For my own opinion having Mentors to guide you in any business is very Important. Not only it will speed up your learning curve but you will also be guided on what things to avoid.

In studying Internet Network Marketing, I Learned 2 very important skills, first How to generate endless number of highly qualified prospects and I learned how to attract prospects to me instead of me chasing and hunting them down. This 2 skills solve my problems and turned my business around. By Combining the power of the internet and Online Marketing Strategy I'm on my quest to build my business and achieve Time and Financial Freedom."

With The Millions Of Pesos You've Made, What Are Your Intentions For Coming Out To The Public?

"One of my deepest passion is helping other people like you succeed by sharing you all the knowledge and skills that I've learned and will learn and hopefully inspire and empower you in your business journey, to unlock your untapped and hidden potentials that will bring positive results for you and to those people around you. .."

To learn more about Reformina's simple system,
click here...

Photo: Dati nung walang wala na 'kong pera, naibenta ko yung bass guitar ko.Kahit nanghihinayang ako kasi may sentimental value yung gitara na 'yun sa'kin, napilitan pa rin ako para lang may mapanggastos.Tapos kaninang umaga nakita ko na may nagbebenta dito sa fb ng kaparehas nung bass ko na yun.Walang alinlangan... kinontak ko kagad yung nagbebenta para mabili! :)Woohoo!Buti na lang may Ignition Marketing. Kumikita ka na ng malaki habang nasa bahay ka lang, nabibili ko pa mga gusto ko, at nagagawa ko pa yung passion ko.Ignition Marketing Rocks!Let me teach you how you can make money online too. Watch my training video here:

 How an undergraduate dad earned 5.2 million pesos in 13 months.

Ito ay isang "scam", "get rich scheme", MLM Expose trend ang sabi nung isang tambay sa tindahan ni Aling Puring. Nagkataong bumibili naman ako ng hot pandesal. As I was listening to them, tinandaan ko yung pangalang "Eduard Reformina" na kanilang pinag-uusapan. I'm very curious sa mga ganitong pyramiding scam at gusto kong malaman ang chismis na ito. Pagdating ko sa bahay, aking enentrada ang pangalang ito sa Google search. Google answered back and yielded "About 27,100 results (0.32 seconds)". I clicked on one of the links, and that's where the gate of financial freedom opened to me. The following excerpt is written in his blog:

Photo: Learn How Eduard Reformina Make Millions of Pesos OnlineClick:


I'm a husband to a loving wife and a father to a wonderful daughter.

My hobbies are playing the bass guitar and I love listening to Jazz Fusion and those kinds of thing.I spend a great deal of time reading books, learning from the great gurus specially from authors and gurus like Robert Kiyosaki, Dale Carnegie, Mike Dillard, Mark Hoverson, Jonathan Budd, Ann Sieg, Frank Kern, Joe Vitale, and many others.  I also love to spend time doing my other hobbies like composing music and playing with a band. 

"My Story"

A couple of years ago, I went abroad to be an OFW. I've been away from my home for 5 years as a professional musician playing in hotels in the Middle East. When I got back to The Philippines, a friend of mine recommended a book by an author named Robert Kiyosaki. The book is called "Rich Dad Poor Dad". After reading that brilliant book, a big shift of course happened to my life and it transformed me to who I am today.

When I was just starting with my Network Marketing Business, I struggled so hard. I faced so many rejections, wasted a lot of efforts, wasted a lot of time and money. I can't figure out why I was failing even though I did everything I was told to do. Everyone is telling me to do Traditional way of Network Marketing like Prospect Listing, Inviting my "KKK" (Kaibigan, Kamag Anak, Kakilala), Home Presentation, One on One Table Talk, Handing Out Flyers in Streets and Malls, Approaching Strangers (Pusakalan) and so much more. It was tiring and time consuming.

"The Solution"

After failing so hard, I started to look for answers on the INTERNET. I started educating myself BIG time. Read lot's of books, digested so many training, and most importantly, met many coaches and mentors. For my own opinion, having mentors to guide you in any business is very Important. Not only it will speed up your learning curve but you will also be guided on what things to avoid.

"My Intentions"

One of my deepest passion is helping other people like you succeed by sharing all the knowledge and skills that I've learned and will learn and hopefully inspire and empower you in your business journey. To unlock your untapped and hidden potentials that will bring positive results for you and to those people around you.

I believe that in order for us to be successful we need to be willing to help others as well to find success.


Photo: Gusto Mo Ba Nang Online Business Na Almost 90% Of The Work Ay Gawa Na Para Sayo?Let Our System Do The Selling For You.Completely New At Wala Pang Gumagawa Nito Sa Pilipinas!WARNING! This is not a networking type of business.

After reading his story, I availed one of his training products and my eyes were opened to this rewarding business journey. Please don't forget to
the upper most picture in the right panel so you  may join me in a journey.  A journey wherein financial freedom is not a dream but an actual reality. A moral, ethical and legal way of earning. Trust me as I have been there.

Another College undergraduate from the Philippines is making millions using the power of Internet! Watch his video here.

Eduard Reformina, a dad from Quezon City, made P5,243,965 in just 13 months using a simple money-making system working from home.

Who Is Eduard Reformina?

"I'm a husband to a loving wife and a Father to a wonderful daughter. My Hobbies are Playing Bass Guitar and I love listening to Jazz Fusion kind of thing, I spend a lot of time Reading Books, Learning from great Guru's specially from authors and Guru's like Robert Kiyosaki, Dale Carnegie, Mike Dillard, Mark Hoverson, Jonathan Budd, Ann Sieg, Frank Kern, Joe Vitale, and many others. I learn a whole bunch from these amazing people. I also love to spend time to do my other hobbies like Composing Music and playing with a band."

How Did You Get Started In The Internet Business?

"A couple of years ago, I went abroad to be an OFW. I've been away from my home for 5 years as a Professional Musicians playing in hotels in the Middle East. When I got back to The Philippines, A friend of mine recommended a book by an author named Robert Kiyosaki. The book is called "Rich Dad Poor Dad". After reading that brilliant book, a big shift of course happened to my life and it transform me to who I am today. A guy with a very entrepreneurial spirit and has a hunger for learning more in developing my self.

When I was just starting with my Network Marketing Business, I struggle so hard. I face so many rejections, wasted a lot of efforts, wasted a lot of time and money. I can't figure out why I was failing even I did everything I was told to do. Everyone is telling me to do Traditional way of Network Marketing like Prospect Listing, Inviting my "KKK" (Kaibigan, Kamag Anak, Kakilala), Home Presentation, One on One Table Talk, Handing Out Flyers in Streets and Malls, Approaching Strangers (Pusakalan) and so much more. It was tiring and time consuming."

What Is Your Solution?

"After failing so hard, I started to look for answers on the INTERNET. I started Educating my self BIG time. Read lot's of books, digested so many training, and most importantly, met many Coaches and Mentors. For my own opinion having Mentors to guide you in any business is very Important. Not only it will speed up your learning curve but you will also be guided on what things to avoid.

In studying Internet Network Marketing, I Learned 2 very important skills, first How to generate endless number of highly qualified prospects and I learned how to attract prospects to me instead of me chasing and hunting them down. This 2 skills solve my problems and turned my business around. By Combining the power of the internet and Online Marketing Strategy I'm on my quest to build my business and achieve Time and Financial Freedom."

With The Millions Of Pesos You've Made, What Are Your Intentions For Coming Out To The Public?

"One of my deepest passion is helping other people like you succeed by sharing you all the knowledge and skills that I've learned and will learn and hopefully inspire and empower you in your business journey, to unlock your untapped and hidden potentials that will bring positive results for you and to those people around you. .."

To learn more about Reformina's simple system,
click here...
Check this website also and Like My Page for More Success Tips..

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